To create a new Profile for a donor, click Profiles from the top menu and select ‘Add a Profile’ from the left-side menu. A Profile requires a minimum of one address, one email (which will also be used to log in), and one phone number.
+ Add an Address: Click to add a billing or mailing address to the Profile.
+ Add an Email: Click to add an email address to the Profile.
+ Add a Phone: Click to add a phone number to the Profile.
Before you [Add] the newly created profile, you can choose to email the donor with a randomly generated password. You can also set the initial passoword by clicking the “Key” (Reset Password) action icon from the Recent Profiles table on the Profiles Home page. When you reset a password for a Profile, you set the new password. Password must contain at least one uppercase letter (A-Z), one lowercase letter (a-z), a number (0-9), and be between 6 and 50 characters in length. We suggest that you encourage the donor to update the password once they log in.
Other terms: add a donor? create new profile?