Profiles Overview

Profiles are accounts that allow your donors to log in and see their stored accounts and giving history.  When you access a Profile, you can reset a password for the Profile User, make changes to a Profile, or view and manage specific activity on a Profile including associating unassigned Transactions and Transaction Schedules to a Profile.  Here are the options from the Profile Home Page:


Recent Profiles

The Recent Profiles table displays the 10 most recent Profiles created in your Qsuite.  To view the Profile Summary for a person, simply select the first or last name in the table.  You can email the Profile owner from the table by clicking on the Profile email.  You can edit a Profile, reset a Profile password, or delete a Profile using the Actions icons in the table.


New Profiles Graph

This chart displays the number of new Profiles created in the specified time frame.  You can change the time-frame by selecting the appropriate tab:  Today, Week to Date, Month to Date, and Year to Date.


Profiles Menus

Profiles Home:  Return to the Profiles Home page.

Find a Profile:  Find an existing Profile using Search Profiles.

Add a Profile:  Create a new Profile.


Search Profiles

You can search for a specific Profile by first or last name.  The search field will search all names and emails for a match of the characters (requires three characters minimum) you enter in the search field. Search either first or last name, but not both.


Profiles Results

The search results will display any match or partial match for the name you entered into the search fields.  The results table displays 10 results on a page, but you can navigate to any additional pages by using the numbered pages along the top and bottom.   To view the Profile Summary for an individual, simply click on their first or last name in the table.  You can email the Profile owner from the table by clicking on the Profile email.  You can edit a Profile, reset a Profile password, or delete a Profile using the Actions icons in the table.


Profile Summary

When a Profile is selected, you will see the first and last name for the Profile owner over the Profile navigation tabs.  The initial Profile page is the Summary.



The Summary contains the name, addresses, emails, and phone numbers associated with the Profile.  These can be edited using the Edit icon.

The Login Information displays the email for the Profile’s Login ID.  To reset a password from here, click on the Reset Password icon, enter a new password and click [Reset Password].


Edit Profile

Selecting the Edit icon opens the General Information fields for updating.  You can add, edit, or remove addresses, emails, and phone numbers using the relevant table actions and the [+] Add icons beneath the relevant table.  When more than one address, email, and phone number is available, you can change the default.  Simply click on the Description name for the item you want to choose as the default and the green check-mark will move to the new default.  Click [Update] to save your changes.

Note- The original email used when a Profile is created will remain the login email even if that email is later removed from the email list.  If you need to update the email the user logs in with, you will need to delete the Profile and create a new one.  Remember to assign the transactions back to the newly created Profile as they will become unassigned when the original Profile is removed from the system.


Reset Password

To reset a password from here, click on the Reset Password icon, enter a new password and click [Reset Password].  When you reset a password for a Profile, you set the new password.  Password must contain at least one uppercase letter (A-Z), one lowercase letter (a-z), a number (0-9), and be between 6 and 50 characters in length.  The new password cannot be identical to one of the last four (4) passwords used for the Profile.  There is an optional check-box to email the donor with their new password.  The password is updated and the optional email sent once you confirm the change with [Reset Password].  We recommend that you encourage the donor  to update their password once they log in.



Stored Accounts are the Debit/Credit Card and eCheck accounts associated with the selected Profile.  The Default Payment Method for the Profile is prominently displayed with the billing address information.  You can add a Debit/Credit Card or eCheck by clicking on the [+] Add icon beneath the relevant table.  Enter the required information and click [Add] to save the account, or [Cancel] to return to the Accounts page without saving the new information.

To Edit or Delete an account, use the action icons in the relevant table.  To set a default account, check the ‘Make Default Payment Method’ box when editing or setting up a new account.  You will see the green check move to the newly selected account when [Add/Update] is clicked to confirm the account changes.



This tab displays the Transaction Schedule and Transactions tied to the selected Profile.  You can search for donations using the date-range filters, but only donations that are tied to the Profile will display.  If you do not see a donation you are looking for, it may not be tied to the Profile yet.  You can click + Find Unassigned Donations to look for unassigned donations that match the last name of the current Profile, and you can then associate those donations to the current Profile.


Add a Donation

Click + Add a Donation to create a new donation tied to the current Profile.  A selection window will appear with your active Giving Pages.  When you select a Giving Page, the Virtual Terminal for that page loads with the Profile’s default information pre-populated.  When selecting the payment information, you have the option to use a Stored Account from the Profile (if any exist) in addition to the option to enter new card or eCheck payment information.  When you click [Submit], the new donation is entered and is tied to the current Profile automatically.


Edit Donation

To manage a donation, click on the “pencil” (Edit) action icon in the grid next to the Transaction Schedule or Transaction you want to view.  The options available for a donation depend on the status, when the donation was submitted, and what the transaction amount is.  Transaction Schedule displays the scheduled payment information while Transactions stores the actual transactions or transaction attempts that have already occurred.


Print:  You can print the details of a transaction or Transaction Schedule, regardless of status.

Edit:  Only “Pending” Transaction Schedules can be edited, as these are occurrences of future scheduled donations that have not yet processed.  The options available in the editor are based on the Giving Page through which the donation originally came.  You can edit scheduled date, amount, billing info, payment info and more.

Cancel:  Only “Pending” Transaction Schedules can be cancelled.   Once a record creates a transaction, it is too late to cancel it, but see refunding same-day Transactions below.

Refund:  You can refund a “Reconciled” transaction or partially refunded transaction (up to the amount of the original sale).  If you refund a transaction that ran same-day, it will void the Transaction in the payment gateway, effectively cancelling the Transaction.  You cannot partially refund a same-day Transaction, but you could wait and refund part of the amount the following day. Note- Profile users do not have the ability to Refund, so they will need to contact you to perform a refund or ask for a same-day donation to be cancelled.

Copy:  You can copy any Transaction Schedule to create an additional donation using the original Record’s information.  An edit screen will open so you can make changes to the new donation, if needed, before submitting.

Skip:  You can skip one or more occurrences for a recurring donation.  Selecting the “Pending“ Transaction Schedule, you can set the number of occurrences you would like to skip and enter a reason.  The account holder will not be impacted until after the number of skipped occurrences and the next corresponding scheduled date have been reached.



You can unsubscribe a user from receiving certain email communications by deselecting the box next to the type of communication and saving your changes by clicking [Update].  Only the communications that are selected will be emailed to that particular Profile user.


Add Profile

Create a new Profile for a donor.  A Profile requires a minimum of one address, one email (which will also be used to log in), and one phone number.

+ Add an Address:  Click to add a billing or mailing address to the Profile.

+ Add an Email:  Click to add an email address to the Profile.

+ Add a Phone:  Click to add a phone number to the Profile.

Before you [Add] the newly created profile, you can choose to email the donor with a randomly generated password.  You can also set the initial password by clicking the “Key” (Reset Password) action icon from the Recent Profiles table on the Profiles Home page.  When you reset a password for a Profile, you set the new password.  Password must contain at least one uppercase letter (A-Z), one lowercase letter (a-z), a number (0-9), and be between 6 and 50 characters in length.  We suggest that you encourage the donor to update the password once they log in.

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