Managing a Registration

You made an event, registrations have come in, but now someone needs to cancel, or make changes to their registration. Or maybe you just need to apply an offline payment for someone who registered online and mailed in a paper check that has just arrived on your desk. This quick reference sheet will walk you through managing your registrations.


Find a Registrant

The first thing you need to do is locate the registrant you want to edit. To do this, You can search for Registrants or Primary Contacts by selecting “Find a Registrant” from the left-side menu on the EventQ Home page.

Search by entering a minimum of 3 characters of the First or Last Name, and the matching results will display in the grid. You can view or manage a Registration by selecting the “pencil” (Edit) action icon.


Registration Edit

The Registration Edit screen displays a summary of the registration including the Primary Contact, the Registrants, and a summary of the Total Amounts (Cost, Discounts, Adjustments, Transactions, and Balance). You can click on the Primary Contact or Registrant Names to drill down the details for that contact or registrant. Likewise, you can hide or reveal the details for any Extras and Questions.

Click on Discounts, Adjustments, or Transactions to see the details for those summaries.


Registration Edit Actions

The actions available to a registration are outlined below:

  • View: Return to the Registration Edit screen.
  • Print: Print the current view of the Registration Edit screen.
  • Edit: Opens up the registration navigation (similar to the original registration process) to walk you through a registration where you can make any necessary changes. When you finish the last page and hit [Next] you changes are saved and the registration’s balance is updated automatically.
  • Cancel: Cancel the entire registration.  If there was a cost associated with the registration, you will have the option to issue a refund.
  • History: View an itemized Registration ledger for the registration, and any edits.


Balance Actions

The actions available in the balance section are based on the outstanding balance on a transaction.

  • Adjustment: Apply an adjustment or offline payment. You can apply an adjustment regardless of the balance.
  • Payment: If there is an outstanding balance owed, you can process a payment by card or eCheck.
  • Refund: If there is an outstanding negative balance, you can process a refund back to the registrant.  You will want to use Adjustments for refunds on registrations paid for by an offline payment.


Add a Registrant

If you need to add a registration to an event, you can do so by selecting “Add a Registrant” from the left side menu of the Qsuite or EventQ Home page(s). A list of your active events will appear to choose from. Select the Event you want to create a registration for and the virtual terminal for that event will display.

Simply walk through the registration process to add the new registration.

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