DonateQ: Mobile Giving

DonateQ Giving Pages are mobile friendly so they will “play nice” with drop-downs and make it easy for a donor to interact with your Giving Page. No matter how you build your Giving Page it is easy to create a gift.

Below are some suggestions to make mobile giving a breeze for your donors.



When a Donor creates a Profile they Provide:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email
  • Phone

Donors also have the option to store Accounts: securely save credit cards or eCheck accounts within their Profile.

Once the Profile has been created the donor can login to their Profile when the reach your Giving Page. Their name, address, phone and email will automatically populate.


If the donor chose to store Accounts they can choose “Stored Accounts” as a payment type and then select from any of their stored payment methods. One click! No need to type in full account information.

Using radio buttons with pre-defined amounts can make entering a donation a snap! Below are some examples of different display options available. You can opt for pre-defined amounts or maybe only offer a single general category for your mobile gifts.





Submit a Mobile Gift in a Few Easy Steps!

Donors can fully zoom into an element of the page if needed.


Step 1: Login to your Profile from your phone.

Step 2: Choose an predefined amount or enter an amount of your own.

Step 3: Choose a donation frequency: One time or Recurring

Step 4: Choose “Stored Accounts” and select your stored payment method.

Step 5: Authorize[Submit] the transaction.


DonateQ’s mobile friendly Giving Pages combined with the power of Profiles with Stored Accounts makes mobile giving a breeze. If you have any questions about how to setup your Giving Page to maximize the potential for mobile giving don’t hesitate to reach out to our Customer Engagement Team to assist you. We are here to help.

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