How do I reset or unlock a User’s password?

This article will address working with passwords for your Qsuite Users.  If you are looking to reset a password for a donor trying to access their Profile, please see this article.

To manage your Users passwords you will first need to click on “Admin” at the very top of your Qsuite, then under “Users” click on “Manage Users”. (If you do not see this option your User does not have the necessary permissions.)

You are now looking at a list of your current Qsuite Users:


The Action icons to the right of each of your Users provide the ability to unlock a Users account or reset their password:

  • Click the “padlock” icon (mousing over this icon will show “Unlock Account”) to reset that User’s login attempts and will allow them to try to login again.  This can be helpful as It allows them to try again without needing to create a new password.
  • Click the “key” icon (mousing over this icon will show “Reset Password”) to create a new password for this User. Once you have created a new password you will need to let the User know their new password.  Once they login using this new password encourage them to create a new password of their own.

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