How do I update a stored account?

To update a donor’s stored Accounts you will first need to search for the Profile:

1.  Click on “Profiles” at the top of the screen

2.  Click on “Find a Profile” on the left-hand side menu

3.  Enter the First OR Last name of the donor and hit ENTER

4.  Click the pencil icon next to the donor’s Profile you need to edit:

5.  Click on the “Accounts” tab within their Profile



6.  From here you can add the new Account.  Click on either “Add Debit/Credit Card” or “Add eCheck”

7.  Enter the new account information and save your changes.

8.  Now that you have entered a new account, if you need to remove a stored account you may do so by clicking the red “X” next to the account you want to remove:



add a stored account , change a stored account , delete a stored account , add a stored account? , change a stored account? , delete a stored account? 

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