How do I Copy a Transaction?

You can take any Transaction Schedule and copy it to start a new transaction.

Here are a few instances where copying a transaction might be helpful:

  • donor calls and asks to make an donation – they have given in the past
  • donor gives monthly but calls to make an additional one-time donation
  • donor’s transaction failed but is now ready to make-up the failed transaction with a one-time donation

In all of these instances you can locate the Transaction Schedule for the donor and Copy to start a new transaction.  If the donor wants to use the same form of payment it will not be necessary to request payment information.  The transaction will run against the same payment method.

Here are the step to Copy a Transaction:

1. Click on “Transactions” at the top of your Qsuite

2.  Search for the donor’s Transaction Schedule

3.  Make sure you verify the last 4 of the account number to ensure you will run this new transaction on the right account

4.  Click the pencil icon next to the Transaction Schedule you wish to Copy

5.  Click the [Copy] button

6.  The Transaction Schedule information has been duplicated into a new schedule which you are about to Submit.

7.  Review the transaction information and edit any part of the schedule needed in order to create this new transaction as the donor intended

8.  Review your transaction information for accuracy, confirm your information and [Submit]

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