
This Qsuite Quick Reference Sheet is focused on profiles for your users, and how you and your users may use profiles to streamline their experience.  Profiles allow your donors to view, edit, or cancel their transactions.


Creating and Managing Profiles

Profiles are the accounts that allow your contributors and registrants log into to see their giving history. Profiles can be created by the user through a DonateQ giving page if you have included the Login Portal. Alternatively, you can create Profiles using Add a Profile. This quick reference sheet is designed to help you understand how to create, edit and utilize Profiles for your users.


Add a Profile

Creating a new profile is a quick process in Q. Click “Add a Profile” which you can find on the left-hand menu on the main Q Home Page or on the Profiles Home Page. Enter the relevant general information for the profile user.

The minimum required elements to create a profile are:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • At least one Address*
  • At least one Email* (which will be the user’s login)
  • At least one Phone Number*

*When adding an address, email, and phone, the description field is used to identify the record (i.e. Home, Work, etc.)

Click [Add] to save the new profile.

Once the profile is created, you still need to set the password. To set the password, you will need to find the newly created profile in the table and click on the “Key” (Reset Password) action icon. Password must contain at least one uppercase letter (A-Z), one lowercase letter (a-z), a number (0-9), and be between 6 and 50 characters in length. Once you confirm with [Reset Password], we suggest that you send an email to the Profile User and let them know that you created a Profile for them, what the benefits of the Profile are, and what the password you just set is and encourage them to update their password once they log in.


Here is a sample email you can customize and use:

Subject:  <Your Organization Name> – Notice of New Profile


Your online giving Profile with <Your Organization Name Here> has been created.  The next time you make a gift online, login to your Profile so any new donations you make will be accessible to you to view.   Your Profile will allow you to review the past gifts you may have created through this Profile.

Your Password: <Insert the Password You Set Here>

If you have any trouble logging in please let us know.

Thank You


Managing a Profile

Once a Profile is created, you can then access it later to make updates, donations, and registrations on behalf of the profile user.

To locate an existing Profile, click “Find Profile” from the left-hand menu on the Profiles Home Page to search for the profile user by First Name, Last Name, or Email. The search requires a minimum of 3 characters. Typically searching by last name will yield the best results.


Profile Summary

Selecting the First or Last Name from the results table opens the Profile Summary for that user. Here you can see their general, login, and contact information.


Resetting a Profile Password

If a Profile User is unable to login to their account, you can reset their password for them. From the results table or the Profile Summary Page, you can click the “Key” (Reset Password) action icon to quickly set a new password for the user. Be sure to instruct your profile user to update their password when they log in after a reset either over the phone or via email.


Editing a Profile

You can update an existing profile with new information or additional Addresses, Phone Numbers, or Emails by clicking on the “pencil” (Edit Profile) action icon in the results table or from the Profile Summary Page.


Changing a Profile Login ID:

The LoginID for a Profile will always be the email address used by the donor when they established their Profile. If they want to log in using a different email address, you will need to delete their Profile and create a new Profile using their new email address.  Once this is completed you can assign their donations to their new Profile.


Stored Accounts

Profiles in the Q Suite allow you or your profile users to securely store payment information for use when making future donations or registering for future events.

To store a new payment method click on the “Accounts” tab from the Profile Summary screen. You can add debit/credit card or eCheck information using the appropriate selection. The availability of card and eCheck options is based on the payment methods you are setup to accept.

Enter the payment information in the fields provided, and click [Add] to store the account. The account is now available to you and the Profile User when creating a new transaction. You can edit or delete a stored account using the action icons in the account tables.



You can view all donations that have been assigned to a Profile by selecting the “Donations” tab from the Profile Summary page.   Just enter the date range you want to pull up and click [Search].   This allows you to view all of their giving history as well as see any Pending gifts they may have. If you need to make an edit to a recurring transaction or process a refund, you can perform those actions here too. See the Quick Reference Guides on Transaction Management for specifics on these actions.

When a Profile User is logged into their account and makes a donation, the transaction is automatically tied to their profile. There are two ways for you to tie a transaction to an existing Profile:


Add a Donation: Select this option to create a new one-time or recurring donation. A window will open   that lists your active Giving Pages. Selecting the page, loads that giving page’s virtual terminal pre-populated with the Profile User’s information. After the form is completed and submitted,   the donation will be tied and viewable in the Profile.

Find Unassigned Donations: You can assign any unassigned Donations that match up with the Profile     User’s name by selecting this option. A list of Potential Donations will appear. Check the    “Apply” box for the transactions in the list you want to tie to the profile, and click on the [Add]     button above the table.   Assigning a donation to a Profile allows you and the Profile owner to      view it when in Donations.



You or a Profile User can opt out of email communications by unselecting them from the available list. The list of available communications to Profile Users is based on the list made available under Admin> Communications. If a communication has a check box next to it, the Profile User will have that email communication sent. Click [Update] to save your changes.


Deleting a Profile

Occasionally, you may want to remove a Profile from the system. To do this, you simply click on the “X” (Delete Profile) action icon from the table. A confirmation screen will come up advising you that when a profile is deleted, any donations and registrations that were tied to it will now be unassigned. The donations and registrations themselves remain intact, so recurring donations and the registrations are still active. You cannot undo a deletion, though you could recreate the Profile and reassign donations and event registrations to the new one.

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